Project organization, design, and logistics
Budget control management
Community / regulatory engagement
Database design and management
Report and document compilation
Historical resource verification
Health and Safety management
Reconnaissance scale
Property scale
Near-mine exploration mapping
GIS for mineral exploration
Rock, Soil,
& Stream Surveys
Rock, soil, till, and stream sampling
Integrated photo, GPS, and data management
Digitally recorded GIS data solutions
NI 43-101 compliant chain of custody
Statistical assessment
Exploration Drilling
Diamond and reverse circulation drill program design, tendering, supervision, and management
Drill pad and road and construction logistics
Computer integrated logging, analysis, and data presentation
Geological and geophysical data integration
Permafrost Drilling
Auger drill program design, tendering, supervision, and management
Frozen soil, overburden and/or permafrost sampling
Small teams mobilization and operation
Up to 2.5 m depth depending on ground conditions