Mineral exploration is complex, expensive and requires a thorough multi-disciplinary approach. With an ever-changing list of projects available for option, Dahrouge Geological Consulting Ltd.'s partner company, DG Resource Management, specializes in the earliest stages of exploration by acquiring, compiling, and reviewing historic geologic and geophysical data sets to generate a "project concept". Once a concept is evaluated positively it is usually acquired via claim staking or permitting; and an exploration partner is sought.
A strong project base allows us to create partnerships and launch funding initiatives to conduct exploration-development, and develop discoveries.
Our unique perspective on mineral exploration has resulted in numerous grass roots discoveries, and provides valuable insights into what makes a mineral exploration project worthy of grassroots or ongoing exploration. We specialize in a variety of commodities including Base Metals, Coal, Gold, Industrial Metals and Minerals, Platinum-Group-Elements, and Uranium.